
Contact Us:

Email: lealaleas@hotmail.com 
Whatsapp: +60168338279
Mobile: 016-8338279 Eva / 0086-13472552257 Leala (China)

1. 每项订单最低起价为RM50(不包含邮费产品总净价). 一个人买不满RM50?多找几位朋友就搞定啦!
A minimum of RM50 is eligible for each order (Product Net Price, excluding the shipping fees).

2. 烟草、易燃易爆物品、液态物品、毒品、动物、植物及其他违禁品一律不在代购范围内,敬请谅解.
Tobaccos, flammable and combustible goods, liquids, drugs, animals, plants and other prohibited goods are not in service range.

3. 流程: How to order

(i) 每个月的首个星期为下单日。
Order is made during the first week of each month.

(ii) 客户根据自身需求,选定好需要的产品.
Buyer choose what they want to buy.

(iii) 客户可把以下资料发邮件到 daigou.taobao@gmail.com
Buyers then send the information listed below to: daigou.taobao@gmail.com

- 产品链接 (The link of the products):
-产品详细信息 (Detailed information ex colours, size amount etc):
-取件人姓名 (Your name):
-联系电话 (Your contact number):
-取货地址(如需送货上门,KK邮费另计)(Address, if you need us to send the products to you, local postage fee will then be charged):
- 汇款帐号 (Transfer or Remittance account number):
-汇款时间 (Date of tranfer):
-金额 (Amount transfered):

(iv) 收到订单后本公司会于48小时内回复买家是否有货,同时帮买家把实付金额计算好。买家于3天内把账款转帐至指定账户。
We will inform you within 48 hours once we received your order to confirm if the product is available, and we will count for the price for each goods you ordered. Buyer should transfer the payment to the appointed account within 3 days.

(v)如需现金交易, 请将以上所需资料和现金交至: Hse. No.615, Jalan Sena, KK, Sabah.
If you wish to trade in cash, please hand the amount to: Hse. No.615, JAlan Sena, KK, Sabha.
(vi) 所有交易在货款成功收到的那天才算交易成立。
All orders are established ONLY when we get the total amount of your payment.

(vii) 货物于下个订单周抵达kk, 买家会被通知前往取货,或安排送货上门(kk邮费另计)。我们将会在货物抵达KK的2个工作日内把西马和砂捞越买家的货物用pos laju寄过去(马来西亚邮费另计)。 邮费清参考:

Goods will arrive in KK at next ordering week, you will be informed to collect the goods, or choose to have your goods sent directly to your home or office (local postal fees will then be charged). Please view the website below for postal fee reference:

(viii) 上门取货地址:Hse. No.615, Jalan Sena, KK. Sabah.
Place to collect your goods: Hse. No.615, Jalan Sena, KK. Sabah. 

(ix) 如淘宝网里缺货造成交易失败,我们将把买家付的款项100%返款给买家。
Should there be any failure that cause your order fail, we will return to you 100% of the payment you made.

4. 怒不接受货到付款,敬请多多谅解!
We do not trade in COD (cash on delivery).

5. 所有交易均以马币(Ringgit Malaysia)交易。
All transactions are made in Ringgit Malaysia.

6. 人民币和马币的兑换率根据Bank Negara Malaysia的外汇汇率为准,每星期会在本博客里更新一次,以方便买家们换算。
The exchange rate of Renminbi(RMB) and Ringgit Malaysia(RM)is based on the exchange rate published by Bank Negara Malaysia, a unified exchange rate will be updated in this very blog on each Monday.

7. 汇款帐号:
Transfer and Remittance Account:

MAYBANK :  1101 9806 3496     LO YIH TYNG
PUBLIC BANK:  4554501411   LO YIH TYNG

8. 国际运费参考:
International Shipping Charge:

货品种类 Type of goods

男女tshirt、衬衫、背心、短裙、儿童服饰 : RM6/件
Tshirt (Men and Women), Blouse, Singlet, Short Skirt, Baby and kids wear : RM6/piece

长 裤、长裙、薄外套、风衣、针织衣 : RM8/件
Trouser, Long Skirt, Thin Coat, Knitted Clothes: RM8/piece

外套,大衣,套装 : RM14/件
Jacket, Coat, Suit : RM14/piece

首饰、发饰、腰带、文具 : RM2/件
Accessories, Belt, Stationery : RM2/piece

普通帆布鞋、带跟鞋 : RM7 /件
Shoes, High heels : RM7/piece

男 士皮鞋、长筒鞋、靴子 : RM10 /件
Boots : RM10/piece

书、印刷品、光碟 : RM3.50/件
Books, Printed matter, DVD : RM3.50/piece

包包 : RM10/件
Bag : RM10/piece

婴儿用品 : 视实际产品而定
Baby accessories : Depends on the product

玩具、娃娃 : 视实际产品而定
Toys, Dolls : Depends on the product

床 上用品 : 视实际产品而定
Bedding necessaries : Depends on the product

运动器 材 : 视实际产品而定
Athletic Equipment : Depends on the product

其他 : 视实际产品而定
Other items : Depends on the product

9. 实付金额计算:
Calculation of Total Amount

[(产品金额 + 代购费(产品金额的10%) + 淘宝运费)] ÷ 1.5 + 国际运费 = 实付金额

[Product net price + Service Charge (10% of the product net price) + Taobao shipping fee] ÷1.5 + International shipping fee = Total amount of the product

请参考以下例子: http://item.taobao.com/auction/item_detail-0db2-bd875ddcfa764474d5eb94562140edd5.htm

[产 品金额 RMB13.50 (RM9) + 代购费(产品金额的10%)RMB1.35(RM0.90)+ 淘宝快递 RMB12(RM8)] ÷ 1.5 + 国际运费(RM8)= 实付金额 RM25.90

*人民币和马币的兑换率以每天Bank Negara Malaysia所公布的汇率中“Selling”为准: http://www.bnm.gov.my/statistics/exchangerates.php 本博客每星期一会更新交易用的统一兑换率。
The exchange rate of Renminbi(RMB) and Ringgit Malaysia(RM)is based on the exchange rate published by Bank Negara Malaysia, a unified exchange rate will be updated in this very blog on each Monday.

Shipping cost of special items are calculated in size.

10. 交易一旦成立,即代表客户同意以上条款,不得反悔,亦不返款。